Thursday, 24 March 2022

R65-Not so easy rider

I took the old girl out for a little half hour ride today after filling her up with petrol.  I zero'd the odometer so I can check the mpg.

She felt strange after riding almost nothing but the little Address for two years, but I soon got used to it.  The bit I kept forgetting was to change down gears as I approached a junction or roundabout.

Monday, 21 March 2022

R65 Float Replacement

Floats, Hoses, Float levels and Batteries

I usually get the information I need from Snowbums website.  He writes in great detail, and in great depth, and is incredibly verbose.  The site is a wonderful resource for BMW owners.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

R65 Minor Mods

I have done a few minor mods to the old girl to make her a bit more comfortable.

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

R65 On the road again

She has been off the road again for almost two years since the start of Covid. I have just sold my Honda SH300i so I have some room in the garage and some spare cash

I got the old girl MOT'd and taxed today. I had to stop on the way to the MOT station to do the "Bing Dance".